South Korea vs. North Korea

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Very recently South Korea elected a new democratic president, Moon Jae-in, who wants to repair relations with North Korea. But you’re not here to see the relationship between these two countries, you want to see who would win in a war. We believe that South Korea would win in a war with North Korea but there are always unexpected things that can happen in a war. One thing that could affect this war would be the fact that North Korea has the world’s largest artillery force which would make it much harder to invade.

Ground Forces:

The Korean People’s Army is the main ground force of North Korea. It has 1,190,000 active duty service members and another 600,000 in reserve (2016), making it the 4th largest military in the world. The KPA also has 1,852 rotary-wing aircraft ready for use. The standard issue assault rifle is the Type 88 Assault Rifle (based on the Russian AK-74). The South Korean Army is the main ground force of South Korea. It has 625,000 active duty personnel as well as another 2,900,000 in reserve, as well as 709 rotary wing aircraft. The standard issue rifle is the K11 Assault Rifle. This round will go to South Korea due to their greatly superior numbers.

Air Forces: The Korean People’s Air Force is the main air force of North Korea. It has 110,000 active duty personnel and 940 aircraft. Reserves are unknown. The South Korean Air Force is the main air force of South Korean. It has 65,000 active duty personnel and 794 aircraft. Reserves are unknown. We will give this round to North Korea because they have slightly larger numbers.

Naval Forces: The Korean People’s Navy is the main naval force of North Korea. It has 60,000 active duty personnel and an unknown reserve. The KPN consists of 810 commissioned warships, most of which are patrol boats and gunboats which would not be able to stand up to South Korea’s . The navy is divided into two sections, the West Navy and the East Navy. These two navies cannot or will not support each other. The South Korean Navy is the main naval force of South Korea. It has 70,000 active duty personnel including 29,000 Marines. Reserves are unknown. The South Korean Navy consists of 160 commissioned warships.

Conclusion: In our opinion, South Korea would be the victor of this conflict. We believe this outcome is accurate because of South Korea’s naval presence. While it is true that North Korea has a larger ground force, South Korea’s small arms and training are of a better quality. Also, South Korea has a military alliance treaty with the United States, which we already covered in our United States vs. People’s Republic of Korea article. So in conclusion, we believe that despite North Korea’s superior numbers South Korea would win a war with it’s northern counterpart.

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